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Murder Mystery Dinner 2.0

Murder Mystery Dinner 2.0

It is hard to believe that it was almost 30 years ago that we conceived the murder mystery dinner show as it is known in American society today. upgrade-your-lifeIn that time, we have had hundreds of  successful shows and we have entertained hundreds of thousands of people! We have also seen our share of copycat companies and troupes which use Groupon and Living Social as a lifeline and thereby produce the lowest cost experience at the entire genre’s expense.  But luckily for us, those groups tend to still be producing the type of show we started with in the very beginning and stick to the cookie cutter basics.

We on the other hand, are upping the ante with our next generation of  shows.  Guess you could call them Mystery Dinners 2.0!  With this reboot, we are recognizing that our society has come a long way from the Magnum PI- storytelling that was popular when we started.  Audiences are craving more interaction and we intend to give it to them!

Our first show hatched out of this idea is opening soon to kill your cabin fever (barring any more snow emergencies and MBTA outages).  Whose Marriage Is It Anyway? puts the audience in charge of the story setup, choosing who will marry whom and challenges the improv abilities of our cast.  In the Spring, our next show in the popular mob stories lineup will open with Badabingo! Audiences will challenge themselves to uncover clues as we weave the story of an ex – mafia family starting a Bingo parlor and simultaneously playing the actual game of Bingo (yes, there will be prizes).
So make no mistake, while we did create this genre, by no means are we resting on our laurels (leave that to the Groupon-ers), we are upgrading all the time.

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To purchase tickets for events held at MIT Endicott House, please call us at 617-253-5211. For all other inquiries, please contact us via email at [email protected] or complete the Contact Form.

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