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Improv Games for Families

Improv Games for Families are one of many Boston events for the whole family!

If you’re on the hunt for new Boston events for a night of family fun, it should include improv games for families. Whether you take the family out on the town for a fun night at one of the CSz Boston’s show venues or you stay in and create your own fun, improv games are great for family bonding.


Boston Events




  • The Actor’s Nightmare is a fun game for family game night. Grab a comic book or your favorite Harry Potter novel. One player reads a line from the book and the second player must improv an appropriate response that justifies the statement or question. We found this game at Improv Encyclopedia. They have a list of hundreds of games.


  • Alphabet Improv Game is fun and educational for kids. Two players take a given scene and requires the performers to exchange dialogue in which the first word they speak must begin with the next letter of the alphabet, starting with whichever letter is elected and finishing at the letter just before (Z would loop back to A).  The dialogue must propel the action in the given scene. For example, “Are you coming to dinner?” “Before I wash my hands?!”  “‘Course not.  That’d be disgusting.”  “Disgusting indeed.”  You can make it more simple by just requiring the next sentence to begin with the the next letter of the alphabet.  Top Ten Improv Games



  • Don’t negate or deny the other player-follow where they’re going

  • Don’t ask questions

  • Make choices based on actions

  • Do make assumptions

  • Do give and take

  • Listen, watch and concentrate

  • Work to the top of your intelligence


If you want to learn from the pros catch one of our improv comedy shows for families.

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