The health and safety of our guests, staff, and performers are of the utmost importance to us. Head First Event and the venue provide no guarantee guests will not be exposed to Coronavirus during the event. The CDC advises that some people are more likely than others to become severely ill, and some people are at a higher risk of exposure to COVID-19. Guests should evaluate their own risk in determining whether to attend. People who show no symptoms can spread COVID-19 if they are infected, and any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19. By attending this event, you acknowledge and agree to assume these inherent risks associated with attendance. Additionally, you agree to follow all COVID protocols and procedures for the event.
*We require all guests to comply with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Commonwealth of Massachusetts guidance, and MIT COVID- 19 Policies to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
*Guests are required to be fully vaccinated and provide an attestation noting date and type along with health status. The attestation can be found here: Clue Live Health Attestation.
*We have a mask while in motion policy at this event. This means if you are not at your table, you must be properly masked (mask covers your nose and mouth).
*If on the day of the performance you are experiencing any COVID symptoms, please stay home and contact ticketing services for more information about exchanges.
*We will continue to evaluate and update these policies as the situation evolves.
To purchase tickets for events held at MIT Endicott House, please call us at 617-253-5211. For all other inquiries, please contact us via email at [email protected] or complete the Contact Form.